List of symposia

【International Symposia】
■Memories about Violence and Genocide(March 18, 2006)
■Reconstruction of post-genocide Society; Community Museum for building peace( March 11, 2006)
Peace-building for Human Security: How to Deal with War on Terror?(March 10, 2006)
■Asia-Africa Documentary Film Conference 2005(September 23, 2005)
Peace-building and Area Studies(December 4, 2004)
The Vanguard of Comparative Genocide Research(March 27, 2004)


■Nazi-Genocide Studies Today(July 30, 2005)
■81 years since the Great Kanto Earthquake: Rethinking Slaughter of Korean/Chinese(September 5, 2004)
The Scope of Genocide Research(December 13, 2003)